Best Dental Crowns Package in Tijuana Mexico thumbnail

Best Dental Crowns Package in Tijuana Mexico

Package price starting from: $250
Treatment: Dentistry, Dental Crowns
, Mexico
Focus Area: Dental Crowns Tijuana | Dental Crowns | Dental Care | Porcelain Dental Crowns | Metal Porcelain | Dentistry | Tijuana | Mexico

Dental Crowns Packages in Tijuana, Dental Crowns in Mexico Cost, Dental Care Mexico, Porcelain Dental Crowns, Metal Porcelain, Dentistry, Tijuana, Mexico

Dental Crowns in Tijuana, Mexico

Dental Crowns in Tijuana, Mexico

Dental crowns are commonly performed everywhere nowadays, from either porcelain or metals or other fused materials, depending on budget. However, it is required a highly skilled dental technician and a talented dentist to fit them into place to ensure durable comfort and perfect functionality. If you are researching for the most affordable prices for dental crowns, consider Mexico for outstanding results and excellent dental vacation and you will still be able to save some cash when you will compare the costs for the same procedure performed in the USA or Western Europe. Dental Crowns, also known as caps are some real-life-savers when it comes to damaged or cracked teeth that are extremely sensitive and unaesthetic. Although neglect and decay often lead to tooth loss, thanks to the use of dental crowns, you can literally save your teeth! 

Why we Need Dental Crown

Dental crowns were specifically created and designed to imitate the shape of your tooth and to provide a safe, aesthetic covering over the damaged area. Dental crowns help improving function and aesthetics significantly and sometimes they are the only option for keeping your original tooth.

Dental caps or crowns are placed on existing teeth or teeth implants. They may be used to:

  • Restore the aesthetics or function of broken or fractured teeth.

  • Provide strength and reduce the risk of fracture in a weakened tooth.

  • Improve aesthetics of damaged visible teeth

  • As the visible part of a dental implant.

Why Choose Tijuana, Mexico for Dental Crown

Dental work in Tijuana, Mexico can offer you a true balance of quality, care, and affordability. Mexico country is a top choice for dental tourism. Due to its lower price & proximity to the US, it becomes more popular and it allows cheap & short travel times.

How Much do Dental Crowns Cost in Tijuana, Mexico?

The average cost of Dental Crowns in Tijuana, Mexico is starting from $250 to $500

Dental Crowns Cost in Tijuana compared to other countries


Procedure Cost

Tijuana, Mexico

Dental Crowns $250


Dental Crowns $3,000


Dental Crowns $800 - $3,000


How Dental Crown Work?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped covers that can be set over your tooth. Consider it a cozy cap for your tooth. The crown reestablishes the tooth's shape, size, strength, and appearance. The dental crown is solidified into place on your tooth and it covers the apparent piece of the tooth.

How Long the Procedure Take?

By using the digital scan from the photos, the dentist creates the crown right there in their clinic. You may have to wait about 1 to 2 hours until the crown is made. Once the crown is ready, your dentist cements it into place. The entire process takes about 2 to 4 hours.

How long will dental Crown last?

Several studies indicate the long-term survival of dental crown is up to a 20-year span. Whether the tests took a look at short-term or long-term use. Dental Crown was able to withstand up to a decade or more of stress.

Top dental crowns clinic in Tijuana, Mexico

 Name of the clinic

 Metal Porcelain Crown  Porcelain Porcelain fused to gold 

 Advanced Smiles Dentistry

 $250  $450  $500


Advantages of Dental Crowns in Mexico

  • It Will help you rediscover a natural-looking smile
  • Will offer protection, even if they are cracked, chipped, or affected by decay
  • Will fill in the spaces between teeth, improving aesthetics significantly
  • Will prevent any more damage to your tooth/teeth
  • It Will boosts your self-esteem significantly and
  • Will eliminate discomfort related to tooth decay

advantages dental crown mexico tijuana


Factors that Affect Package Price

You may find that the same provider is offering different package prices for Dental Zirconium Crowns, E-Max Crowns, or Veneers in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico. This happens due to relative factors such as:

  • Number of teeth requiring a Zirconium Crowns, E-Max Crowns, or Veneers
  • Age of the patient
  • Complexities related to the procedure


  • Pre and post-operative consultations
  • All hospital fees
  • All medical fees (doctor fees, orthodontist, anesthesiologist, and nursing staff)


  • Hotel or recovery house
  • Preoperative lab work
  • Airfare

List of required pre-op tests:

  • X-ray of teeth
  • Complete blood count
  • Common urine analysis


The Zirconium crowns or E-Max Crowns come with a two-year warranty.

Learn more about Dental Crowns in Mexico

Is Dental Crown Procedure Painful?

The applying process of dental Crown is 100% pain-free. There are some people with very sensitive teeth who experience some discomfort but there is no serious pain involved.

How to Get There

Tijuana, Mexico, officially the Republic of  Rio Bravo, Mexico, has multiple flights to enter the country from various destinations. The country is divided into seven provinces, which are subdivided into 81 cantons and 463 districts. You can avail flight connectivity in all major medical tourism destinations of the country.

For more information about dental crowns in Tijuana, Mexico, or if you need a FREE quote please contact us!


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